DEEPMAINMAST is a de novo modeling protocol to build
an entire protein 3D model directly from near-atomic resolution EM map.
DEEPMAINMAST employs deep learning to
capture the local map features of amino acids and atoms to assist main-chain tracing. We also integrated the protocol with Alphafold2 to achieve even higher accuracy.
Additionally, the protocol is able to accurately assign chain identity to the structure models of homo-multimers.
Tutorial Video from DAQ & DeepMainmast Workshop is made available at our lab channel.
The green arrows represent the core of the protocol, DeepMainmast(base). It consists of six logical steps:
First go to the github repo and then clone it to download on your local machine. Follow the readme instruction or the the following instructions`
There are two folders i) dmmsinglechain supportd single chain protein maps ii) dmmmultichain supports multi chain protein maps.
Use the requirements.txt file and install packages using pip as follows. There are same requirements for both single chain and multi-chain.
pip install -r requirements.txtThen install BioTEMPy package using pip. Installing it separately is crucial because it has dependecy conflicts with bio package. Hence after installing all packages using requirements.txt, we then separately install BioTEMPy using pip as follows
pip install BioTEMPy
Next, follow the details of the instructions by reading the readme file. DeepMainmast Multithreads with Full-Atom refinement by RosettaCM and AF2 model.
1. First, you need to create an account on code ocean using academic credentials and login into your account.
2. Then, click on the links above and go to the desired code ocean capsule.
3. To make a reproducible run i.e. run the code on an example input provided by us, click on the "Reproducible Run" button in the top right corner. This will start running the code on our example, and the results will be generated in the results folder at the bottom right after the execution is complete.
4. To run the code on an input of your choice, first go to our capsule and click on the "Edit Capsule" button in the top right corner. This will make a copy of our capsule which you can edit. Follow the instructions about how to upload and run your input in this copied capsule by reading the readme file present in the respective code ocean capsules.
Other details specific to the respective capsules can be found in the readme files of the capsules. For more details on how to run code ocean capsule please visit: Code Ocean user documentation
We provide some sample output files prodcued by DeepMainMast when we ran it on our examples. examples
DEEPMAINMAST is a free software for academic and non-commercial users.
It is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License Ver.3
Commercial users please contact for alternate licensing.
Citation of the following reference should be included in any publication that uses data or results generated by DEEPMAINMAST program.
Genki Terashi, Xiao Wang, Devashish Prasad, Tsukasa Nakamura & Daisuke Kihara. DeepMainmast: Integrated protocol of protein structure modeling for cryo-EM with deep learning and structure prediction. Nature Methods, 21: 122-131 (2024)
Integrated Protocol of Protein Structure Modeling for Cryo-EM with Deep Learning and Structure Prediction,
Genki Terashi, Xiao Wang, Devashish Prasad, Tsukasa Nakamura, and Daisuke Kihara, BiorXiv (2023)
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