DAQ Score is a computational tool
using deep learning that can estimate the residue-wise local quality for protein models from cryo-Electron Microscopy (EM) maps.
Tutorial Video from DAQ & DeepMainmast Workshop is made available at our lab channel.
After installing the requirements, add the container to your Docker installation by issuing the following command: sudo docker load --input /path/to/daq.tar Now, you are ready to run the DAQ container. Place all your input files(map and structure file) in one directory; for example, if the directory is named “inputs”, it’ll contain the .pdb and .mrc files. To run DAQ, you can issue the following command in the terminal: sudo docker run --gpus=all -v /fullpath/inputs/:/DAQ-main/inputs daq --mode=0 --gpu=0 -F "2566_3J6B_9.mrc" -P "3J6B_9.pdb" --window 9 --stride 2
GPL v3. (If you are interested in a different license, for example, for commercial use, please contact us.)
Citation of the following reference should be included in any publication that uses data or results generated by DAQ program.
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