Supplementary Materials for
“Effect of Using Suboptimal Alignments in Template-Based Protein Structure Prediction” by Hao Chen and Daisuke Kihara , Submitted (2010)
1. SAli-ST (single alignment – Single template) models, MAli-ST (multiple alignments-single template) models, SAli-MT (single alignment – multiple templates) models, , MAli-MT (multiple alignments-multiple templates) models for the casp7 targets. Link.
2. The main-chain angle potential. Link.
3. The amino acid residue contact potential. Link.
4. The executable files of the SUPRB threading program and user manuals. Link.
Hao Chen ( or Daisuke Kihara (
Dept. of Biological Sciences
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, 47907, USA