Supplementary Materials For
the Paper:
Statistical Potential based Amino Acid
Similarity Matrices for Aligning Distantly Related Protein
Y. H. Tan, H. Huang, and D. Kihara
Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics 64: 587-600. (2006) See Publication page)
Lindahl and Elofsson's Dataset:
- BLAJ Matrix built from structural superposition data for identifying potential remote homologues (Blake-Cohen, 2001)
- BLOSUM45 BLOSUM45 substitution matrix (Henikoff-Henikoff, 1992)
- JOHM Structure-based amino acid scoring table (Johnson-Overington, 1993)
- KOLA Conformational similarity weight matrix (Kolaskar-Kulkarni-Kale, 1992)
- KOSJ Context-dependent optimal substitution matrices for all residues (Koshi-Goldstein, 1995)
- MIYS Base-substitution-protein-stability matrix (Miyazawa-Jernigan, 1993)
- OVEJ STR matrix from structure-based alignments (Overington et al., 1992)
- PRLA1 Structure derived matrix (SDM) for alignment of distantly related sequences (Prlic et al., 2000)
- PRLA2 Homologous structure dereived matrix (HSDM) for alignment of distantly related sequences (Prlic et al., 2000)
- QUC1 Cross-correlation coefficients of preference factors main chain (Qu et al., 1993)
- QUC2 Cross-correlation coefficients of preference factors side chain (Qu et al., 1993)
- QUIB STROMA score matrix for the alignment of known distant homologs (Qian-Goldstein, 2002)
- CC10 10% CCPC + 90% KOLA
- CC20 20% CCPC + 80% KOLA
- CC30 30% CCPC + 70% KOLA
- CC40 40% CCPC + 60% KOLA
- CC50 50% CCPC + 50% KOLA
- CC60 60% CCPC + 40% KOLA
- CC70 70% CCPC + 30% KOLA
- CC80 80% CCPC + 20% KOLA
- CC90 90% CCPC + 10% KOLA
- Fam01 Downhill simplex optimization of matrix CCPC using family level data
- SFam01 Downhill
simplex optimization of matrix CCPC using super family level data
- Fold01 Downhill simplex optimization of matrix CCPC using fold level data
- RANDMATRIX Matrix containing random values between -5 and 15
Golden Alignments:
Benchmarking Datasets:
Contact Information:
B235 Lily Hall of Life Sciences
915 West State Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2054
Email: D. Kihara